Route 4: Cabo Tiñoso

Cabo Tiñoso
It is one of the places of greatest ecological importance in the southeast, which is why it has been declared a ZEPA (Special Protection Area for Birds) and LIC (Place of Community Importance). The richness, beauty and diversity of the seabed of Cabo Tiñoso have made this area one of the favorite diving destinations in Spain. Most of the companies dedicated to this activity are located in the town of La Azohía.

Cabo Tiñoso marine reserve
The seabed of Cabo Tiñoso concentrates a great wealth and diversity of underwater flora and fauna. In July 2009, the Ministry of the Environment of the Region of Murcia began the procedures for the declaration of a protected area around Cabo Tiñoso with an area of almost 22,000 hectares, of which 84 hectares will be fully conserved. In 2016 it was declared a marine reserve of fishing interest.
Batería de Castillitos
The battery was built and armed between 1933 and 1936 according to how it was projected in 1926, during the program to provide a defensive belt to the strategic Plaza de Cartagena by the dictatorship of Primo de Rivera. Castillitos was equipped with two shore guns from the British company Vickers-Armstrong, of the 38.1 / 45 cm (fifteen inch) model. These pieces were powerful enough to fire a nearly one-ton projectile at 35 kilometers