Live the nautical experience that you like

Family or friends sailing

Ideal sailing for couples, families or groups of friends (maximum 6 people).
Morning or afternoon shift. Duration 4 hours

To book
200€ per boat
Tax includes
oceanis 31

Open group sailing

To share an unforgettable experience and at the same time meet people with the same passion for sailing.
The booking is individual and will be conditioned to the formation of a group of 6 people.
Morning or afternoon shift. Duration 4 hours

To book
60€ per person
Tax includes
oceanis 31

Pirate experience

Ideal for families with children. We will sail by sailboat in search of the pirate's treasure hidden in the Bay of Mazarrón. Maximum 6 people.
Morning or afternoon shift. Duration 4 hours

To book
300€ per boat
Tax includes
oceanis 31
You decide the route, among all the routes offered by the beautiful Bay of Mazarrón and Cabo Tiñoso